Spain Map

Consular services

With the consent of the Consulate of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Spain provides services for the preparation and sending of documents to Madrid.
The main purpose of such services is to simplify the procedure of filing documents with the consulate, help in collecting, completing and sending them without having to travel to Madrid for citizens of Belarus, where it is allowed.

Documents are checked and sent in the shortest possible time (one to three days) and the cost will depend on the type of service:

Verification of documentation without shipping / Only shipping €50 plus VAT 21%

Verification of documents and express shipping 95 € plus 21% VAT

Preparation and verification of documentation without shipping 75 € plus 21% VAT


We organise and provide all kinds of support to specialists from both countries for business forums, conferences, B2B meetings, company visits and exhibitions in the areas of interest.


We advise on legal issues in the field of foreign economic activity, current nomenclature and taxation, import and export requirements, opening of companies.


We provide market and product-specific analysis, offer product certification follow-up, shipping and advice on setting up a company.


We provide translation and interpreting services: translation of documents, linguistic support in negotiations, conferences, in notary's offices and law firms, in official meetings and delegations.

Contact us

Plaça Francesc Macià 7, 17th Floor 08029 Barcelona, Spain

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Belarusian Chamber of Commerce
Embajada de la República de Belarús en Reino de España
SF Abogados