David Figueras held an online seminar "How to enter the Spanish market?" for Belarusian companies

David Figueres, the official representative of the BelCCI in Spain, held an online seminar "How to enter the Spanish market?" for representatives of Belarusian companies and state institutions on November 30, 2021. 

The online seminar looked at how best to adapt to the conditions and consumers of the Spanish market, the challenges companies face when entering the Spanish market and the main benefits Spain offers to foreign businesses.

The next seminar for Spanish companies on how to enter the Belarusian market is planned for early next year.

Representatives of the Spanish and Belarusian business communities will be invited to attend the event in Spain.



Online Seminar Presentation ➥

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Belarusian Chamber of Commerce
Embajada de la República de Belarús en Reino de España
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