20 Sep, 2023
ECOLOGY EXPO - 2023 International Specialised Environmental Exhibition-Forum

ECOLOGY EXPO - 2023 International Specialised Environmental Exhibition-Forum


  • September 20-22, 2023
  • Minsk, Belarus
  • www.ecologyexpo.by

The International Specialized Environmental Exhibition-Forum ECOLOGY EXPO - 2023 is the largest congress and exhibition event in Belarus in the field of ecology, environmental protection, environmental equipment, technologies and services in 2023.

An extensive exhibition and business programme, the 17th National Ecological Forum, plenary discussions, round tables and business meetings are planned as part of the event. An extensive exhibition and business programme, the 17th National Ecological Forum, plenary discussions, round tables and business meetings are planned as part of the event.

The purpose of the ECOLOGY EXPO - 2023 is to create a communication environment to discuss innovative ideas, exchange information about industrial and technological achievements in environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources, increasing the economic benefits of environmentally friendly technologies through an integrated approach to their implementation and use, promoting coordination of efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the Republic of Belarus, as well as to showcase high-tech, innovative developments and ready-made solutions on a large scale.



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