Belarus national pavilion presented at Chemistry-2021 exhibition in Moscow

An exposition of Belarusian manufacturers Made in Belarus is presented at the 24th International Exhibition of Chemical Industry and Science Chemistry-2021, which opened in Moscow on 26 October.

Eight companies from the petrochemical sector of Belarus are taking part in the event, displaying their best products and services, as well as production novelties.

SvetlogorskHimvolokno company presents in Moscow a wide range of polymer products:

  • Twine, fabrics, bags, containers, car liners.
  • Nonwoven materials - SpanBel, Akvaspan, Medispan, construction membrane BUDAR.
  • Carbon materials - fibres, yarns, fabrics, felts, composites, carbon plastics.
  • Heat-resistant ARSELON products - fibres, yarns, fabrics, nonwoven materials.
  • Polyester textile yarns and knitted fabrics.

Grodno Azot is presenting chemical raw materials - urea, urea-ammonium mixture, ammonium sulphate, caprolactam, hydroxylamine sulphate, methanol, liquid ammonia.

The Khimvolokno plant's stand displays polyamide, polymer composites, fabrics and yarns of various specifications.

The Mozyr Oil Refinery introduces its products to visitors

The company produces gasoline, diesel and heating oil, alkylate, various gases, bitumens, gasoils, fuel oil and technical sulphur.

The mining wax plant presents candle waxes, protective waxes, oils, emulsions, lubricants, modeling compounds, additives and processing aids.

A new product, which is also demonstrated at Chemistry-2021, is Belwax MGE-46B hydraulic oil.

The product is intended to lubricate hydraulic systems of agricultural and other machinery.

Mogilevkhimvolokno is presenting a wide range of polyester fibres, technical yarns, synthetic films, as well as polyethylene terephthalate at the exhibition in Moscow.

High-pressure polyethylene and acrylic fibres will be presented by Naftan.

Lakokraska demonstrates varnishes (including semi-finished), paints, enamels, adhesives, primers, hardeners, solvents, coolants and glass washes, phthalic anhydride and other products.

The Belarusian State Concern for Petroleum and Chemicals Belneftekhim, which includes the exhibiting companies, is represented in the Russian Federation by Belneftekhim-ROS.



The International Exhibition of Chemistry - is one of the most prestigious in its industry

It is held under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Scientific and Technical Centre Himvest, the Russian Chemists Union, Research Institute for Technical and Economic Research in Chemical Industry, Russian Chemical Society named after D. Mendeleev, as well as the Faculty of Chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University and Russian Chemical and Technological University named after D. Mendeleev.

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