Belarus, China to step up cooperation in medicine, IT, mechanical engineering

MINSK, 29 September (BelTA) – Belarusian and Chinese scientists are going to intensify cooperation as part of joint projects in medicine, information technology, mechanical engineering, environmental protection and energy conservation.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology Andrei Kosovsky said at the opening of the Belarus-China online business matchmaking session Synergy of Innovations 2021 to discuss the development of the Belarus-China Science and Technology Park in Changchun, BelTA learned from the press service of the State Committee on Science and Technology.

According to him, this year financing is provided to 20 joint projects in science and technology within the framework of the Belarus-China cooperation program in science and technology. 

The 2022-2023 competition of joint projects is to be announced soon

We will be glad to see resident companies of the Belarus-China Science and Technology Park in Changchun among the participants of the competition: this is one of the ways to flesh out the portfolio of the technology park with high-tech joint projects”, Andrei Kosovsky said.

The State Committee on Science and Technology attaches great importance to the development of innovative infrastructure, since technology parks are the place where advanced solutions make their way into the manufacturing sector and new high-tech enterprises are set up, Andrei Kosovsky noted.

Belarusian-China Cooperation Exchange Synergy of Innovations 2021

The Belarus-China online business matchmaking session Synergy of Innovations 2021 is taking place online at the Polytechnic Technology Park of Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU).

The event was organized by the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus, Belarusian National Technical University, BNTU's Polytechnic Technology Park, the People's Government of Jilin Province of China, and the board of directors of the Belarus-China Science and Technology Park in Changchun.



 Belarusian-Chinese Science-Technology Park
Belarusian-Chinese Science-Technology Park



The main goal of the event is to update the joint organizational and technological platform in the Changchun technology park to implement joint projects, as well as to identify promising areas and forms of cooperation for running joint projects.

The event will include a round-table session “Interaction between business and science as a growth factor”, as well as bilateral and multilateral face-to-face meetings.

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