Heads of government will discuss development forecasts at the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council

The heads of government of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will discuss joint forecasts for the development of the agro-industrial sector at the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Yerevan on 18-19 November.

The meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council will be held in person with the participation of the heads of government of the Eurasian Economic Union countries, the observer states to the EAEU, Cuba and Uzbekistan, as well as the chairman of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission

The heads of government will discuss the state of mutual trade in 2020, joint agro-industrial forecasts, the supply and demand balances of the union states in agricultural products, food, raw hides and skins, wool, flax and cotton fibre for 2021-2022, the action plan on the raw material supply of the EAEU states' metallurgical enterprises for 2021-2024 and progress in the convergence of the union states' positions within the climate agenda.

They will consider an agreement on the use of navigational seals in the EAEU to track shipments, a draft EAEU biological security strategy, e-commerce issues, including approval of a roadmap to create favourable conditions for its development in the EAEU, an action plan to increase the level of supply of strategically important drugs and pharmaceutical substances for medical use, whose production should be ensured in the EAEU by 2024.

According to the Eurasian Economic Commission, the heads of government of the EAEU states will be informed about the progress in implementing Eurasian Intergovernmental Council Decree No 11 of 20 August 2021 "On the list of exceptions and restrictions on the EAEU internal market to be eliminated in 2021-2022".

In addition, the agenda includes amendments to the list of goods manufactured in Kazakhstan for which a certificate of origin of serial products is allowed, issues of ensuring equal terms of participation in the programme for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment in Kazakhstan for producers of EAEU and third countries, amendments to the technical regulation of the Union "On food safety" and a number of others.

The heads of government of the EEU states plan to sign an agreement on the procedure for the exchange of information included in credit histories within the EEU.

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